Next Tuesday (2nd of December), the second Swiss Tech Talk Biel/Bienne, will take place at INNOCAMPUS.

Pascal Meyer, atypical, funny founder and “Loutre-in-Chief” of successful e-commerce platform, will tell us about his journey.
Pascal will notably explain us how he has developed his concept, leveraging humor and fun things, what he learnt from it, his challenges… and how you can transform a crazy idea into a business generating more than CHF 35M of yearly turnover, without losing his soul!
REGISTER TO Swiss Tech Talk with Pascal Meyer
Location: INNOCAMPUS AG, Rue d’Aarberg 5, 2560 Nidau (Biel/Bienne)
Start at: 19h00
Language: French
Dress code: NO DRESS CODE!
Event costs CHF 25.- (but is free for members of Swiss Tech Association).
See you on Tuesday!