Lean Startup principles are more and more widely accepted in the startup scene. Eric Ries, the initiator of this movement, displays the philosophy behind it:
“Lean Startup isn’t about being cheap [but is about] being less wasteful and still doing things that are big.”
To name the 5 key principles:
- Entrepreneurs are Everywhere
- Entrepreneurship is Management
- Validated Learning
- Innovation Accounting
- Build – Measure – Learn
In Switzerland, not many events have been organized on this topic until recently. The first event of this kind was organized earlier this year in Zürich (“The Lean Startup Factory”) and now, things are also moving in Geneva on the initiative of Vincenzo and Doris. The 4th edition of the Lean Meetup is taking place on 13th of September 2012 at 18:30 in Geneva.
Aim of the meeting will be to learn more about these principles and exchange about experiences, especially in regards to applying Lean Startup to selling services.
Entrance is free but seats are limited, so register now to be sure to learn more.