Swiss startup scene is lively, even if you don’t read a lot on international blogs. Maybe because a lot of startups bootstrap a long way before possibly raising a ton of cash (you know, that’s often what interest big startup blogs – a financing round is often seen as a success, but I’d argue that’s only an often necessary milestone to grow faster and which may lead to success). But the point is that there are a lot of entrepreneurs out there building interesting tech startups. On November 4th, 8 of them will have an opportunity to present their concept!
I’m organizing the 2nd ICT Investors Day in Western Switzerland, at Chambre Vaudoise de Commerce et d’Industrie in Lausanne, at 17:00. After a presentation of the innovation promotion agency Innovaud, the following 8 startups (which were selected by our jury among 23 applying startups) will do their elevator pitch (90s, 1 slide):
- DataCenterVision: Innovative and powerful datacenter management software
- Fan Valley: Fan Valley is a cloud/mobile application that powers sports fan clubs and revolutionizes the way fans interact.
- Five to Midnight: Shop in Shop Concept where customer can design and try on custom made clothing in 3D.
- Immodating: The JobUp of Real Estate
- Netagenda: A cloud based booking system combined with productivity tools for SMEs active in service industry
- Pryv : User-centric platform to collect, visualize & share personal data privately.
- ScanTrust: ScanTrust helps brand owners and governments stop counterfeit with its patent-pending copy-proof QR Code
- StyleAvenue: 1st Swiss Luxury Second Hand E-Shop
The audience will then select 4 startups for an extended pitch of 10 minutes. Of course, the event is followed by an aperitif (offered by CVCI and Qwine).
It will be extremely interesting to see these young and serial entrepreneurs (it’s the second startup for some of them) pitch their startup!
So, what are you looking for to register? The event is open to anyone interested by ICT startups, but you have to register before Friday November 1st, at 17:00. And please don’t be late next Monday!